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Alternatives to Violence Project in Australia

Nonviolent Relationships
Conflict Transformation
Community Building
Self esteem


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Alternatives to Violence Project
on the World Scene

Since its beginnings in a New York prison in 1975, the Alternatives to Violence Project has become an international network of grass-roots organisations of volunteers running workshops in many countries around the world.

There are established programs in at least 33 countries, including Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Britain, Brazil, Belarus, Canada, Georgia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Germany, Haiti, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Macedonia, Mexico, Nepal, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Russia, Slovenia, South Africa, Sweden, Tanzania, Tonga, Uganda and the United States.

Within the United States, there are established programs in at least 15 states, including Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Maryland, Minnesota, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Colorado, Wyoming, California and Washington.

Within Canada, there are established programs in at least 10 provinces, including Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Ontario, Quebec, and Saskatchewan

Within Britain, there are established groups in at least 17 areas, including Scotland, Devon, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Greater Manchester, London, Merseyside, Midlands, Northumbria, Norwich, Notts & Derbys, Sheffield, Shepton Mallett, South West, Wyvern, York, and Yorkshire East

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Here are some international AVP websites to explore how AVP is working to transform conflict.

AVP International www.avp.international/
AVP/USA www.avpusa.org/
AVP Canada www.freewebs.com/avpcanada/
AVP Britain www.avpbritain.org.uk/
AVP Aotearoa
(AVP in New Zealand)
Projekt Alternativen zur Gewalt
(AVP Germany)
Friends for a Non-Violent World
(AVP in St.Paul-Minneapolis, Minnesota)
www.fnvw.org/ and click "AVP"
AVP New Hampshire www.avpnh.org/
AVP Maine www.avp-me.org/
Peace Between People (AVP in Seattle, Washington) www.scn.org/edu/pbp/
AVP New England
AVP California wwwavpcalifornia.org.
Antelope Valley (Lancaster CA) www.avpav.org
AVP - Massachusetts www.avpma.org/
AVP - New York www.avpny.org/
AVP - Vermont
AVP in South Africe / Phaphama www.phaphama.org
AVP / African Great Lakes Initiative
AVP - Free State (South Africa)
AVP at Quaker Peace Centre, Capetown
AVP - Kenya www.avpkenya.org/
The Transformer - the quarterly newsletter of AVP/USA thetransformer.us/
AVP around the World - a collection of resources
Wikipedia entry on AVP en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternatives_to_Violence_Project

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© AVP 2003, 2005          www.avp.org.au